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PayAdmit API Specification
Here you will find API Specifications, Request/Response Samples, Sandbox Details for all available endpoints and flows, to help you quickly and efficiently integrate our payment solution.
Get a list of payments sorted by creation date (most recent first)
offset | integer [ 0 .. 1000000 ] The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] The numbers of items to return. Default is 50. |
created.gte | string <ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH24:MI:SS)> Example: created.gte=2022-11-10T12:12:21 If passed, return only payments created at or after the specified time | | string <ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH24:MI:SS)> Example: If passed, return only payments created strictly before the specified time |
{- "timestamp": "2022-10-05T11:23:12.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "hasMore": true,
- "result": [
- {
- "id": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "created": "2025-02-18T11:35:52",
- "updated": "2025-02-18T11:36:07",
- "referenceId": "payment-123",
- "paymentType": "DEPOSIT",
- "state": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "description": "Funding the account",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "paymentMethodDetails": {
- "customerAccountNumber": "400000***0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardExpiryMonth": "07",
- "cardExpiryYear": "2028",
- "cardBrand": "VISA",
- "cardIssuingCountry": "PL",
}, - "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "customerAmount": 15,
- "customerCurrency": "USD",
- "errorCode": "1.01",
- "externalResultCode": "03",
- "externalRefs": {
- "orderId": 123456
}, - "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "startRecurring": true,
- "recurringToken": "string",
- "terminalName": "string"
Payment request, used for DEPOSITS
Payment Request - Request to initiate a transaction.
The parameters are different in HPP and S2S integration.
In order to specify the correct parameters when building a query, you can choose the appropriate schema, which is described below.
referenceId | string <= 256 characters Reference assigned by Merchant (referenceId is used ONLY internally and not sent to the payment provider OR acquiring bank) Will be sent unchanged within the PaymentResponse. |
paymentType required | string (PaymentType) Enum: "DEPOSIT" "WITHDRAWAL" "REFUND" "CARDVERIFY" Payment Type |
amount required | number multiple of 1e-18 [ 1e-18 .. 999999.99 ] Payment amount |
currency required | string <ISO 4217 code for FIAT currencies or cryptocurrency symbol> Payment currency |
description | string <= 512 characters Description of the transaction shown to the Customer. Can be sent outside of the system, to the payment provider or acquiring bank. |
object (Card) You must be PCI DSS compliant to collect card data on your side. If you are not certified, do not add this field to your request and we will collect the data on our Payment page. In case if you prefer working using s2s mode, make sure you've provided us with your latest PCI DSS certificate and AoC. | |
object (CustomerS2S) | |
object (BillingAddress) Customer's billing address | |
returnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer after TX processing |
pendingReturnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer during TX processing. Overrides static value from Shop. |
successReturnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer after TX processing in case of success |
declineReturnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer after TX processing in case of decline |
webhookUrl | string Url to receive payment status notifications (callbacks) |
websiteUrl | string Merchant Website Processing URL reference |
startRecurring | boolean Send 'true' if you want this payment to initiate recurring flow. Default value is 'false'. |
recurringToken | string To continue recurring flow, send a token from a previously initiated recurring payment. |
cardPanId | number Proceeding with payment, using verified and tokenized card. |
object Additional parameters may be required by some payment providers or banks. Contact our Support or your personal Account Manager for more details. |
{- "referenceId": "payment_id=45768;custom_ref=123",
- "paymentType": "DEPOSIT",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "description": "Funding the account number 12345",
- "card": {
- "cardNumber": "4000 0000 0000 0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardSecurityCode": "130",
- "expiryMonth": "07",
- "expiryYear": "2028"
}, - "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "startRecurring": true,
- "recurringToken": "string",
- "cardPanId": 0,
- "additionalParameters": {
- "bankCode": "ABCD1234567",
- "countryOfBirth": "GB"
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "result": {
- "id": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "referenceId": "payment-123",
- "paymentType": "DEPOSIT",
- "state": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "description": "Funding the account",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "paymentMethodDetails": {
- "customerAccountNumber": "400000***0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardExpiryMonth": "07",
- "cardExpiryYear": "2028",
- "cardBrand": "VISA",
- "cardIssuingCountry": "PL",
}, - "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "customerAmount": 15,
- "customerCurrency": "USD",
- "errorCode": "1.01",
- "externalResultCode": "03",
- "externalRefs": {
- "orderId": 123456
}, - "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "startRecurring": true,
- "recurringToken": "string",
- "terminalName": "string"
Payment request, used for WITHDRAWALS
Payout Request - Request to initiate a transaction.
referenceId | string <= 256 characters Reference assigned by Merchant (referenceId is used ONLY internally and not sent to the payment provider OR acquiring bank) Will be sent unchanged within the PaymentResponse. |
paymentType required | string Payment Type |
amount required | number multiple of 1e-18 [ 1e-18 .. 999999.99 ] Payment amount |
currency required | string <ISO 4217 code for FIAT currencies or cryptocurrency symbol> Payment currency |
parentPaymentId | string <= 32 characters Initial transaction Id |
description | string <= 512 characters Description of the transaction shown to the Customer. Can be sent outside of the system, to the payment provider or acquiring bank. |
object (PayoutCard) You must be PCI DSS compliant to collect card data on your side. If you are not certified, do not add this field to your request and we will collect the data on our Payment page. In case if you prefer working using s2s mode, make sure you've provided us with your latest PCI DSS certificate and AoC. | |
object (CustomerS2S) | |
object (BillingAddress) Customer's billing address | |
object (Receiver) Recipient's name when transferring P2P. | |
webhookUrl | string Url to receive payment status notifications (callbacks) |
websiteUrl | string Merchant Website Processing URL reference |
object Additional parameters may be required by some payment providers or banks. Contact our Support or your personal Account Manager for more details. |
{- "referenceId": "payout_id=45768;custom_ref=123",
- "paymentType": "WITHDRAWAL",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "amount": 12.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0611ba1540d4062bc42d40196071f94",
- "description": "Payout for the account number 12345",
- "card": {
- "cardNumber": "4000 0000 0000 0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "expiryMonth": "07",
- "expiryYear": "2028"
}, - "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "receiver": {
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "iban": "HR1723600001101234565",
- "bankCode": "004",
- "bankName": "VirtualBank",
- "sortCode": "055555",
- "accountNumber": "0178524"
}, - "additionalParameters": {
- "blockchain": "TRX"
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "result": {
- "id": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "referenceId": "payout-123",
- "paymentType": "DEPOSIT",
- "state": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "description": "Payout for the account",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "paymentMethodDetails": {
- "customerAccountNumber": "400000***0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardExpiryMonth": "07",
- "cardExpiryYear": "2028",
- "cardBrand": "VISA",
- "cardIssuingCountry": "PL",
}, - "amount": 12.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "customerAmount": 15,
- "customerCurrency": "USD",
- "errorCode": "1.01",
- "externalResultCode": "03",
- "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "terminalName": "string"
Payment request, used for REFUNDS
Refund Request - Request to initiate a transaction.
referenceId | string <= 256 characters Reference assigned by Merchant (referenceId is used ONLY internally and not sent to the payment provider OR acquiring bank) Will be sent unchanged within the PaymentResponse. |
paymentType required | string Payment Type |
amount required | number multiple of 1e-18 [ 1e-18 .. 999999.99 ] Payment amount |
currency required | string <ISO 4217 code for FIAT currencies or cryptocurrency symbol> Payment currency |
parentPaymentId required | string <= 32 characters Initial transaction Id |
description | string <= 512 characters Description of the transaction shown to the Customer. Can be sent outside of the system, to the payment provider or acquiring bank. |
returnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer after TX processing |
pendingReturnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer during TX processing. Overrides static value from Shop. |
successReturnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer after TX processing in case of success |
declineReturnUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the Customer after TX processing in case of decline |
webhookUrl | string Url to receive payment status notifications (callbacks) |
websiteUrl | string Merchant Website Processing URL reference |
{- "referenceId": "payment_id=45768;custom_ref=123",
- "paymentType": "REFUND",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0611ba1540d4062bc42d40196071f94",
- "description": "Funding the account number 12345",
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "result": {
- "id": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "referenceId": "refund",
- "paymentType": "REFUND",
- "state": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "description": "Refund",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "paymentMethodDetails": {
- "customerAccountNumber": "400000***0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardExpiryMonth": "07",
- "cardExpiryYear": "2028",
- "cardBrand": "VISA",
- "cardIssuingCountry": "PL",
}, - "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "customerAmount": 15,
- "customerCurrency": "USD",
- "errorCode": "1.01",
- "externalResultCode": "03",
- "terminalName": "string"
The purpose of the endpoint is to approve or decline payouts via API. It allows the user to confirm or reject payment transactions based on specified criteria or business rules using API request.
Confirm Payout Request - Request to confirm or decline payout.
id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}/ Id of Payment. |
action required | string (ConfirmPayoutType) Enum: "PROCESS" "DECLINE" Confirm Payout Type |
{- "id": "string",
- "action": "PROCESS"
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200
Payment - CheckStatus
id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}/ Payment Id |
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "result": {
- "id": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "referenceId": "payment-123",
- "paymentType": "DEPOSIT",
- "state": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "description": "Funding the account",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "paymentMethodDetails": {
- "customerAccountNumber": "400000***0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardExpiryMonth": "07",
- "cardExpiryYear": "2028",
- "cardBrand": "VISA",
- "cardIssuingCountry": "PL",
}, - "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "customerAmount": 15,
- "customerCurrency": "USD",
- "errorCode": "1.01",
- "externalResultCode": "03",
- "externalRefs": {
- "orderId": 123456
}, - "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "startRecurring": true,
- "recurringToken": "string",
- "terminalName": "string"
Get a list of operations performed during payment processing sorted by time (most recent first)
id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}/ Payment Id |
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "result": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "operation": "CREATE_PAYMENT",
- "started": "2022-11-08T12:31:41.595+00:00",
- "completed": "2022-11-08T12:37:12.595+00:00",
- "paymentState": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "outgoingMessages": "string",
- "incomingMessages": "string"
Getting actual merchant's balance by terminalId for all processing currencies or any specific one. When sending a request with a particular terminalId, you will receive a list of balances for all currencies. You can add a currency as a get request parameter and get only the balance of the specified currency. For example, add ?currency=EUR to the endpoint and get the balance in EUR. When you try to get a balance for a terminal ID which doesn’t exist in the system, you will receive 404 error code.
terminalId required | integer Terminal identifier |
currency | string Terminal currency |
{- "timestamp": "2022-10-05T11:23:12.595+00:00",
- "status": 200,
- "result": [
- {
- "terminalId": 621,
- "balance": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "EUR"
Update Black List
Black List Request
merchantId required | integer |
cardMask | string |
customerEmail | string |
customerPhone | string |
[- {
- "merchantId": 1,
- "cardMask": "4000000000000000",
- "customerPhone": "345 1234567"
[- {
- "merchantId": 1,
- "cardMask": "4000000000000000",
- "customerPhone": "345 1234567",
- "isAtLeastOneFieldProvided": true
Request for whitelisting customers, cards and emails
Update Whitelist Request - Request to whitelist data.
merchantId required | number Id of Merchant. |
terminalId required | number Id of Terminal. |
customerEmail | string <email> Email address of the customer for whitelisting |
customerId | string Customer Id for whitelisting |
cardMask | string Card mask for whitelisting. |
{- "merchantId": 123,
- "terminalId": 123,
- "customerId": "customer_1",
- "cardMask": "400000***0002"
{- "timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:16:11.595+00:00",
- "status": 200
This section contains fields that can influence payment routing configurations
Type: string (maximum 64 characters)
Description: Identifies the customer as part of a specific group used for routing. This parameter enables segregating customers into different routing strategies for customized handling.
Type: boolean
Description: Indicates whether the customer has successfully passed Know Your Customer (KYC) verification.
Possible Values:
: KYC verification passed false
: KYC verification not passedType: boolean
Description: Indicates whether the payment instrument (e.g., a credit card) associated with the customer has passed KYC verification.
Possible Values:
: Payment instrument KYC verification passed false
: Payment instrument KYC verification not passedType: string (ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD)
Description: Represents the date of the customer's first deposit. The format adheres to the ISO 8601 standard.
Type: integer
Description: The total amount deposited by the customer, expressed in the base currency of the system (EUR).
Type: integer
Description: The total amount withdrawn by the customer, expressed in the base currency of the system (EUR).
Type: integer
Description: The number of deposit transactions made by the customer.
Type: integer
Description: The number of withdrawal transactions made by the customer.
Type: string
Description: Used to classify customer traffic into primary or secondary streams.
Possible Values:
: First-Time Deposit traffic redep
: Redeposit trafficType: boolean
Description: Determines a separation of customer traffic.
Possible Values:
: Traffic marked as primary false
: Traffic marked as secondaryType: string (maximum 3 characters)
Description: Specifies affiliate-related configurations for routing.
Possible Values:
: Indicates affiliate-based routing no
: No affiliate-based routingThe list of mandatory required params may vary according to the paymentType used, see them attached below in the table: Note: please check all details with your Account Manager
paymentType | List of mandatory Required Params |
DEPOSIT | paymentType, amount, currency, customer.firstName, customer.lastName,,, billingAddress.addressLine1,, billingAddress.countryCode, billingAddress.postalCode |
WITHDRAWAL | paymentType, amount, currency, customer.firstName, customer.lastName,,, card.cardholderName, card.expiryMonth, card.expiryYear, billingAddress.addressLine1,, billingAddress.countryCode, billingAddress.postalCode |
REFUND | paymentType, parentPaymentId, amount, currency |
CARDVERIFY | paymentType, amount, currency |
apiUrl for different environments should be the following:
Environment | Servers |
Sandbox | |
Production | |
To get the detailed information about processing volumes, reports, transactions, active users i.e., please visit our Merchant Portal with credentials given to you during the integration process:
Environment | Merchant Portal URL |
Sandbox | |
Production | |
In case if you want to use any specific blockchain under "CRYPTO" payment method, please specify the blockchain value via the payment request using "additionalParameters" object:
"additionalParameters":{ "blockchain": "TRX"}
In order to receive callbacks from our system, you need to specify 'Webhook Url' within website settings under Merchant Portal, or provide 'webhookUrl' parameter in createPayment request. In case if "webhookUrl" is passed within the payment request, it will override the static one configured in the system.
In general, we do support both static and dynamic callbacks, and you can use whatever suits your business better.
To ensure that callbacks are sent from our system, you can generate a Signing Key in your website settings. If the Signing Key is specified, callbacks from our system will include 'Signature' header with HMAC256 hash generated from JSON body and Signing Key.
id | string <= 32 characters Payment Id |
referenceId | string <= 256 characters referenceId from payment request |
paymentType | string Payment Type |
state | string (PaymentState) Enum: "CHECKOUT" "PENDING" "CANCELLED" "DECLINED" "COMPLETED" Payment State |
description | string <= 512 characters Description of the transaction |
parentPaymentId | string <= 32 characters Initial transaction Id from payment request, usually is used to proceed with refund OR in case if card PAN needs to be used for payouts. |
object (PaymentMethodDetails) | |
amount | number multiple of 1e-18 [ 1e-18 .. 999999.99 ] Processing amount |
currency | string <ISO 4217 code for FIAT currencies or cryptocurrency symbol> Processing currency |
customerAmount | number Amount from payment request. Used only in case if the request currency differs from the currency sent to the payment provider. |
customerCurrency | string <ISO 4217 code for FIAT currencies or cryptocurrency symbol> Currency from payment request. Used only in case if it differs from the currency sent to the payment provider. |
redirectUrl | string <= 256 characters URL to redirect the customer |
errorCode | string Check 'Response Codes and Messages' section for details |
externalResultCode | string Result code recieved from external provider |
object (ExternalRefs) This field serves as an identifier linking the system's records to corresponding records in the external provider's system. | |
object (CustomerS2S) | |
object (BillingAddress) Customer's billing address | |
startRecurring | boolean Indicates whether this payment has started a recurring flow |
recurringToken | string Token that can be used to continue the recurring flow |
terminalName | string The name of the processing terminal OR payment solution that was used to process this transaction |
{- "id": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "referenceId": "payment-123",
- "paymentType": "DEPOSIT",
- "state": "COMPLETED or PENDING",
- "description": "Funding the account",
- "parentPaymentId": "a0981ba1540d4062bc42d4019607sf94",
- "paymentMethod": "BASIC_CARD",
- "paymentMethodDetails": {
- "customerAccountNumber": "400000***0002",
- "cardholderName": "Harry Potter",
- "cardExpiryMonth": "07",
- "cardExpiryYear": "2028",
- "cardBrand": "VISA",
- "cardIssuingCountry": "PL",
}, - "amount": 11.12,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "customerAmount": 15,
- "customerCurrency": "USD",
- "errorCode": "1.01",
- "externalResultCode": "03",
- "externalRefs": {
- "orderId": 123456
}, - "customer": {
- "referenceId": "VIP_customer_12345",
- "citizenshipCountryCode": "GB",
- "firstName": "Harry",
- "lastName": "Potter",
- "dateOfBirth": "1996-01-05",
- "phone": "357 123456789",
- "locale": "en",
- "ip": "",
- "routingGroup": "VIP_Campaign",
- "kycStatus": true,
- "paymentInstrumentKycStatus": true,
- "dateOfFirstDeposit": "2021-02-23",
- "depositsAmount": 1000,
- "withdrawalsAmount": 250,
- "depositsCnt": 12,
- "withdrawalsCnt": 3,
- "trustLevel": "ftd",
- "btag": true,
- "affiliated": "yes"
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "addressLine1": "211, Victory street",
- "addressLine2": "Office 7B",
- "city": "Hogwarts",
- "countryCode": "GB",
- "postalCode": "01001",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "startRecurring": true,
- "recurringToken": "string",
- "terminalName": "string"
These states provide a comprehensive overview of the different stages a transaction may go through, allowing for better tracking, management, and resolution of any issues that may arise during the process.
State | Final TX State | Explanation |
COMPLETED | yes | The transaction has been successfully processed. |
CHARGEBACK | yes | The transaction was marked as a chargeback, this process typically involves several states or stages, which may vary depending on the payment processor or bank. |
DECLINED | yes | The transaction has been rejected, often due to issues such as insufficient funds, security concerns, or other reasons preventing successful processing. |
CANCELLED | yes | The user or system has intentionally terminated the transaction before its completion or transaction got cancelled automatically due to timeout. |
ERROR | yes | The transaction has encountered an error during processing, and further action or investigation is required to resolve the issue. |
CHECKOUT | no | The transaction is in progress as the user is currently in the process of finalizing the payment or action. |
RECONCILIATION | no | The transaction is under review or reconciliation, usually involving checkState request. |
PENDING | no | The transaction is awaiting further processing or approval. It is in a temporary state and has not been completed or declined. |
AWAITING_WEBHOOK | no | The transaction is waiting for a webhook notification. |
AWAITING_REDIRECT | no | The transaction is waiting for a redirect action, typically in scenarios involving online payments where users may need to be redirected to another page for additional information. |
AWAITING_APPROVAL | no | The transaction is pending approval, often in scenarios where additional authorization is required before completing the WITHDRAWAL transaction. |
AWAITING_RETURN | no | The transaction is awaiting a customer return from the external API interface. |
CASCADING_CONFIRMATION | no | The transaction is undergoing customer approval for next provider within cascading list. |
To proceed with testing for all processing flows and cases, you can use our Sandbox environment, keep in mind that the amount should be less than 10000000. For withdrawals and refunds, the limit is 10000. Using card 4000…0002 will emulate 3DSecure scenario, to complete the payment you must enter the expected 3DSecure One-time password.
Card Number (PAN) | 3DS Result |
4000 0000 0000 0002 | 3DS enrolled, successful authorization |
4242 4242 4242 4242 | 3DS enrolled, declined authorization |
4000 0000 0000 0408 | Not enrolled for 3DS, successful authorization |
4000 0000 0000 0416 | Not enrolled for 3DS, declined authorization |
Expiration date - any future.
CVV - any.
3DSecure OTP: 12345
Payment Method | Username | Password |
BANKTRANSFER | banktransfer@emulator.test | banktransfertest |
NETELLER | neteller@emulator.test | netellertest |
SKRILL | skrill@emulator.test | skrilltest |
GIROPAY | giropay@emulator.test | giropaytest |
PAYID | payid@emulator.test | payidtest |
SOFORT | sofort@emulator.test | soforttest |
STRIPE | stripe@emulator.test | stripetest |
The following methods are supported for payin emulation, without any username/password pair:
You just have to pass the payment method value within a request, using the following conditions:
These methods support payout emulation. Use the following example structures for the receiver
or additionalParameters
"receiver": {
"iban": "HR1723600001101234565"
"receiver": {
"sortCode": "123456",
"accountNumber": "1234567"
"receiver": {
"iban": "HR1723600001101234565",
"sortCode": "111111",
"accountNumber": "1234567"
"additionalParameters": {
"cpf_number": "49123456789",
"pix_key": "49123456789"
Code | Response Message | Decline Type |
1.00 | Illegal Workflow State | soft |
1.01 | Not Found | soft |
1.02 | General Decline | soft |
1.03 | Internal Server Error | soft |
1.04 | Cancelled by Timeout | soft |
1.05 | No suitable provider found | soft |
1.06 | Recurring Token not Found | soft |
1.07 | Payer Unaccepted | soft |
1.08 | Invalid Amount | soft |
1.09 | Invalid Currency | soft |
1.10 | Velocity Limit Reached | soft |
2.00 | Cancelled by Customer | soft |
3.00 | Declined by Acquirer | soft |
3.01 | Declined by Acquirer: Anti-fraud | hard |
3.02 | Declined by Acquirer: Request Validation | soft |
3.03 | Acquirer Malfunction | soft |
3.04 | Acquirer Timeout | soft |
3.05 | Acquirer Limits Reached | soft |
3.06 | Declined by Acquirer: Card Scheme | soft |
3.07 | Declined by Acquirer: Card Data | soft |
3.08 | Declined by Acquirer: Business Rules | soft |
3.09 | Not Fully 3DS | soft |
3.10 | Unknown Error Code | soft |
3.11 | Payer cannot pay | soft |
4.00 | Declined by Issuer | soft |
4.01 | Insufficient Funds | hard |
4.02 | Stolen Card | hard |
4.03 | Lost card | hard |
4.04 | Pick up card | hard |
4.05 | Card Expired | hard |
4.06 | Card Inactive | hard |
4.07 | Card Suspended | hard |
4.08 | Card Deleted | hard |
4.09 | Invalid Card CVC/CVV | hard |
4.10 | Invalid Card or Account Details | soft |
4.11 | Declined by Issuer: Restricted Card | soft |
4.12 | Declined by Issuer: Processing Limits | soft |
4.13 | Declined by Issuer: Blocked or Inactive Account | soft |
4.14 | Declined by Issuer: Invalid Customer Data | soft |
4.15 | Invalid Phone Number | soft |
5.00 | Declined by 3DS | soft |
5.01 | 3DS Timeout | soft |
6.00 | Declined by Internal Anti-fraud | hard |
6.01 | Card PAN Blacklisted | soft |
6.02 | Customer Email Blacklisted | soft |
6.03 | Card Issuing Country Restricted | soft |
6.04 | IP Country Restricted | soft |
6.05 | Restricted Currency | soft |
6.06 | Invalid Amount | soft |
6.07 | IP Country Must Be Equal to Billing Country | soft |
6.08 | IP Country Must Be Equal to Card Issuing Country | soft |
6.09 | Billing Country Must Be Equal to Card Issuing Country | soft |
6.10 | Payment Created Within Closed Period of Day | soft |
6.11 | Card PAN not Whitelisted | soft |
6.12 | Cardholder name is invalid | soft |
6.13 | CardPAN Masked Blacklisted | soft |
6.14 | Customer Phone Blacklisted | soft |
6.15 | Card BIN Blacklisted | soft |
6.16 | Customer email is invalid | soft |
6.21 | Limit exceeded: Number of completed deposits | soft |
6.22 | Limit exceeded: Number of completed deposits for card | soft |
6.23 | Limit exceeded: Number of declined deposits for card | soft |
6.24 | Limit exceeded: Number of cards for IP address | soft |
6.25 | Limit exceeded: Number of IP addresses for card | soft |
6.26 | Limit exceeded: IP country does not match card country | soft |
6.27 | Limit exceeded: Same amount and currency for card | soft |
6.28 | Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits in specified currency | soft |
6.29 | Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits for card and currency | soft |
6.30 | Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits in base currency | soft |
6.31 | Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits for card in base currency | soft |
6.32 | Limit exceeded: Number of IP countries for card | soft |
6.33 | Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits in base currency, for card | soft |
6.34 | Limit exceeded: Number of attempts with all statuses, times per card | soft |
6.35 | Limit exceeded: Limit exceeded: Count of unique cards per customer email | soft |
7.00 | Declined by External Anti-fraud | hard |
7.01 | External Anti-fraud Communication Problem | soft |
8.00 | Declined by Merchant | soft |